Petrof klavieres

Augstākā sērija / Highest series

Šīs sērijas instrumenti ir pēc izmēriem augstākie koncerta tipa pianīni ar pārteidzoši intensīvu, bet tai pat laikā maigu toni, kurš klausītāju it kā pārceļ koncertzāles atmosfērā. Šīs sērijas modeļi apmierinās pat visprasīgākā mūziķa vēlmes.

P 135 K1

Meet the tallest upright of the PETROF brand, which boasts the greatest sound potential. Its size makes it ideal for discerning professional pianists and audiences. This is an instrument of masterly construction intended for music schools, (home?) interiors, and for the performance of musical works with orchestra. Its uniqueness is enhanced by the unusual design of the music stand, but lies most of all in its powerful, open and colourful tone.

P 131 M1

Because of the power and colour of its tone, we also place the P 131 M1 among the concert instruments of the Highest Series. This piano places no limits on the musicians’ art, creating generous space for their self-fulfilment. This piano is remarkable for the modern, simplified design of its cabinet, making it an ideal addition to many music schools and larger interiors.